Office of Safety and Security (OSS)
OSS operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. OSS assists in all emergency situations, manages all parking and motor vehicle concerns, and offers safety escorts for individuals walking on campus. The office is located at 601 West Emerson and can be reached at 206-281-2922. In emergency situations, call 206-281-2911 (x2911 on campus). OSS suggests that you add “SPU 911” to your cell phone contacts with the number 206-281-2911.
Building Safety
Climbing on the outside of any building is prohibited, and no student is allowed on any roof at any time. No objects or substances may be dropped, thrown, or poured from a stairwell, out of any window, or off a balcony. Window screens are not to be removed. Such acts can be extremely dangerous and pose a threat to the safety of others.
Building Security
The residence halls are locked at all times. It is your responsibility to carry your key and Falcon Card with you whenever you leave your room. Students who jeopardize the safety and security of other residents by propping open or otherwise disabling exterior doors, or by letting unauthorized individuals into the building (intentionally or carelessly), are subject to disciplinary action.
Emergency Procedures
SPU is concerned with the welfare of faculty, staff, and students at all times. Since emergency situations are a potential threat to the safety of those at the University, faculty, staff, and students must be aware of the emergency procedures that will be utilized in a time of crisis. Familiarize yourself with these procedures by reading the manual provided at The University hopes to be spared the need to implement these emergency procedures; however, a thorough understanding of this plan offers the greatest hope for providing maximum safety if a serious emergency does occur.
Emergency Notification
In the event of an emergency, the SPU-Alert System allows SPU officials to send nearly simultaneous messages via cell phone, text messaging, and email. Text messaging has proven to be the quickest way to receive an alert. Students can quickly and easily update their notification information with multiple email addresses, cell phone numbers, and telephone numbers by logging into the Banner Informational System, selecting Personal Menu, and then choosing the Emergency Alert System.
Emergency Contacts
While the SPU-Alert system identifies how to contact someone in the event of an emergency, the Emergency Contact Information identifies whom to contact if something happens to a student. Students should add multiple emergency contacts (e.g., parents, siblings, and grandparents) and periodically review whom they’ve listed. Log into the Banner Information System, select Personal Menu, and then choose Emergency Contact Information.
Additional Emergency/Medical Information
Students may wish to make personal health information available for use by emergency responders in the event of an emergency. Supplying personal health information is voluntary for each student; however, students with specific health issues are urged to take advantage of this opportunity. To do so, log into the Banner Information System, select Personal Menu, choose Emergency Contact Information, and then select the Additional Emergency/Medical Information link on the bottom of the page. Access to this information will be limited to OSS staff to assist in responding in an emergency and will not be forwarded to any other person or department.
Fire Safety
Campus Fire Safety Information
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, institutions that maintain on-campus housing shall, on an annual basis, publish a fire safety report. For compliance purposes this report is contained in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, the full text of which can be found on the Office of Safety and Security website.
Reporting a fire is everyone’s responsibility. All fires that present a risk to persons or property on campus should be reported immediately to OSS at 206-281-2911 and to 911. Additionally, concerns about fire that are not considered an emergency may be reported to a residence life coordinator, a supervisor, a designated building emergency coordinator, Facility and Project Management, or the Office of Safety and Security.
Fire Safety for On-Campus Apartments
Inspections for fire safety equipment and a mandatory state inspection of the hot water heaters are done as state law and University policy requires.
A fire extinguisher is located in every apartment. Learn where yours is located. Never relocate the fire extinguisher. If the extinguisher is used to extinguish a fire, immediately notify OSS and it will be replaced at no cost. The University inspects fire extinguishers once a month, but tenants should periodically inspect the gauge to be certain the fire extinguisher is properly charged. An extinguisher that is partially used will lose pressure and must be recharged. If the needle indicates that it is undercharged or overcharged notify OSS. Barbecue grills and combustible materials such as propane, gasoline, kerosene, and items containing combustible materials (e.g., lanterns) are not permitted inside the apartment (including storage closets/units).
Because of the risk of burning incense or an open flame left unattended, the use of such is prohibited in residence halls. Candles or lanterns may not be used even in the event of a power outage. Residents are encouraged to have flashlights or similar devices to provide emergency lighting.
In accordance with state law, smoking is prohibited in University buildings. This includes balconies and stairwells to residence hall rooms or public areas.
Smoke Alarms/Detectors
Smoke alarms are located on the ceiling/wall in every apartment. Learn where yours are located. When the alarm is set off, it will make a loud piercing sound. If the alarm beeps intermittently, the batteries need to be replaced. Notify OSS as soon as possible. Tampering with smoke detectors may result in disciplinary action, including a fine and/or eviction. Excessive amounts of smoke from cooking or excessive amounts of steam from the bathroom may activate the smoke alarm. If this occurs, simply ventilate the apartment by opening the doors and windows and turning on the fan. The detector will automatically stop sounding when the smoke or steam is completely removed from the area.
Fire Alarms and Evacuation Procedures
Legitimate fire alarms save lives. When activated, the alarm sounds in the entire building and everyone must evacuate immediately. Residence halls have emergency procedure signs that indicate the designated evacuation areas for the building.
Fire Drills
The Office of Safety and Security works with residence hall staff to conduct quarterly fire drills for each residence hall. Students are instructed on evacuation procedures during this process.
Fireworks, Explosives, and Hazardous Materials
Possession, use, storage, manufacture, transport, display, sale, or distribution of fireworks, live ammunition, incendiary devices, explosives, flammable liquids, and all other hazardous materials is strictly prohibited on University property. Propane and other compressed gases (including spray paint) are also prohibited unless approved for a specific purpose. The term “hazardous material” means any hazardous, toxic, or harmful substance, material, or waste that is or becomes regulated by any local government for any jurisdiction that includes any University campus, the state of Washington, or the United States. Items so prohibited will be confiscated and disposed of by University staff members, and the student(s) responsible will be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal from housing, and possibly criminal prosecution.
Missing Student Notification
Seattle Pacific University has a policy for identifying and responding to missing person situations. Any member of the University community who has reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing should immediately call OSS at 206-281-2911. Concerns that a student is missing may also be reported to the Office of Student Life or the Student Counseling Center, which will forward any missing-student reports immediately to the Office of Safety and Security.
OSS will generate a missing-person report and initiate an investigation. The University may investigate circumstances for nonresidential students who are missing out of concern for student well-being when it is determined that the University might be able to assist the student.
After investigating the missing-person report, should OSS determine that the student is missing and has been missing for more than 24 hours, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) will be notified. The University may notify appropriate authorities without delay when it has reason to believe the student is endangered or missing under involuntary circumstances. The student’s emergency contact will be notified no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. If the missing student is under 18 years of age and is not an emancipated individual, SPU will notify the student’s parent or legal guardian immediately after it has been determined that the student has been missing for more than 24 hours.
In addition to registering an emergency contact number, students residing in on-campus housing have the option to identify confidentially an individual to be contacted by the University in the event the student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours. If a student has identified such an individual, the University will notify that individual no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. Students who wish to identify a confidential contact can do so through the Banner Information System. Select the Personal Menu, then choose the Emergency Contact Information tab. Choose to add a new contact or edit an existing contact. Under the “Relationship” drop down menu, select “Missing Person Contact.” Contact the CIS Help Desk if you have questions concerning entering your personal contact information into the Banner Information System.
Safety Escort
A safety escort service is available for students who need to walk to different areas of the campus or within a reasonable distance (a few blocks) off campus. Note that this service is offered in the interest of safety, not convenience. Escorts are also available for students with limited mobility. For an escort, call 206-281-2922 (x2922 from a campus phone).
Security Equipment
Campus security equipment, including emergency telephones, cameras, and fire extinguishers, should not be tampered with or used improperly. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
A student may be charged with criminal trespass if he or she knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in or upon the premises of another, or if he or she fails to leave when instructed by the occupant, an Office of Residence Life staff member, or a security officer.
Malicious destruction or defacing of another’s property is a criminal offense. Anyone guilty of vandalism will be charged for repair and replacement of damaged property and assessed an automatic fine. Vandalism is subject to disciplinary action and may result in criminal prosecution.
The possession, use, storage, manufacture, transport, display, sale, or distribution of firearms and other weapons is prohibited on or around University property, including student rooms and common areas. If your circumstances do not allow you to leave these items at another location, you must ask OSS to store them for you. Prohibited weapons include, but are not limited to, BB pellet guns, paint guns, airsoft guns, stun guns, Taser devices, martial arts weapons, folding knife blades over 3 inches long, bows and arrows, slingshots, water balloon launchers, any other weapon listed in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 9.41, and any form of ammunition. Realistic facsimiles of weapons and counterfeit weapons are also prohibited.
Last published on 8/20/2018